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01. Design and Discovery

Our Design & Discovery is a game-changer approach for your project Discovery phase. Our experts designed it to be lean and right to the point. All the steps were carefully crafted to be aligned with all the market best practices without letting go the efficiency.Our specialists will guide you and your team to build the best your product can be, focused on your business needs along with the latest technologies. At the end, you will have an accurate and well-documented plan for you to begin your dream-project.

Our Process

Is all about collaboration, that the key to success and it lies in our ability to work with Stakeholders and Product leaders. With us, you can rest assured that we will perform a detailed technical analysis to ascertain the most appropriate technology fit for your project.
Let's work together to create something extraordinary, and let our Design & Discovery service take your project to new heights!

1. Functional Discovery

- We will execute recurrent meetings with Stakeholders and Product Leaders to discuss, understand and document in depth the different functionalities of the project.

- After each session, we will continue working, analyzing and documenting the information captured.

These meetings are continually accompanied and supported by the Design team which will be creating flows and wire frames in parallel to the Discovery process

2. Architecture

- While we understand the Functional Needs of the applications, our Architects will be developing a living Architecture Diagram

- This design will consider every component, contract and technologies the project may need.

- Carefully contemplating architectural aspects and design nuances such as Scalability, High Availability, Security, Persistence, Auditability and Observability.

3. Technical Design

- Each functionality of the application will be defined and designed.

- White Prompt will create an itemized list of API calls and processes. an Object Model will be designed, representing the different concepts of the solution, the most important pieces of information, and the relationship between them.

4. Estimation

- After setting the scope, we estimate all the tasks that need to be done. You will receive the hour cost calculated task by task.

- We will define the team of experts that are necessary in order to ensure the project quality and feasibility.

- After the D&D process has taken place, we will deliver all the documents, recordings and files so you have easy access to all the plan. This documents are yours, you will have full control.

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