Turning data into information

“Information is the resolution of uncertainty.” —Claude Shannon, Father of Information Theory.

Storing all your transactional and behavioral data is not enough. It needs to get processed, analyzed, and correlated until it starts speaking to us with enlightening insights.
Beyond Code

Data Analytics Services

Data Ingest

• Create pipelines, streams, processes, message brokers, agents, and code to retrieve information from different sources.
• Design and implement data storage of different types, depending on the source.

Data Transformation

• Data pre-processing, processing, transformation, normalization, and storage.
• Definition and implementation of highly parallelizable data transformation, normalization and filtering processes.

Data Inspection

• Implementation of tools for early data inspection.
• Design and implementation of data warehouses and other report-enabled databases.
• Create and maintain dashboards, control panels, and reports
Want to get your data to confess?
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